Sunday, August 12, 2018

My experience writing blogs

Hello classmates and teacher!
We arrived at the last blog of the semester, it has been a really good experience, since I have been able to express myself in a language that is not mine, and to contribute new words to my vocabulary as I make new blogs, I think it is a very good way to learn languages.
I think my writing skills in English have improved, but there is still a lot to improve, there are still many words to discover in order to communicate and really express what I feel, with my words.
I would like that in addition to blogging, which as I said before is very good for expanding our vocabulary, we could express ourselves more orally, because I think it is the most difficult when it comes to learning a new language, speaking in a different language to the mother tongue, I think it is complicated because we are embarrassed to pronounce it wrong and you do not feel safe since it is not your language, so I think it is necessary to exercise that part of the communication.
Finally I want to thank you for reading each of my blogs and wishing you a good end of the semester, I encourage you that it is not enough 😊
That each day we can grow in knowledge to be able to transmit it to future generations.
Resultado de imagen para escribir en computador mujer

Friday, August 10, 2018


Hi friends !
A part of the human body that I admire a lot is the hand, it is incredible the things that the human being has come to do with their hands, buildings, sculptures, meals, serves to show affection, to greet and make various gestures. As a chemistry student, hands are very important for the development of laboratories.
The hands are the first tool that the human being used.
Our hands are at the end of our arms and the human being, unlike many animals, uses them to walk, only when we are children and crawl.
Our hands have different sizes, there are very large hands and other very small ones, they grow with us and grow old with us.
In our hands we have the sense of touch, if we burn our hands that sense goes away and it is very complicated to live like that, a fracture can also render our hands useless.
We can take care of our hands from the cold with gloves or when we wash the dishes protect them from chlorine with rubber gloves, and also always keep them clean and moisturized with cream.
Resultado de imagen para LABORATORIOResultado de imagen para ESCULTOR
Resultado de imagen para MANO DE BEBE

the most embarrasing moment i´m willing to admit

Hi everybody how are you ? I hope you are   well, today I will talk about some embarrassing moments of my life. When I went to school I ...